Trick or Treat (2017)

Student Stop Motion film for Halloween.

Directed By: Antia Calderon

Written By: Fernando Ruiz

Additional Tasks: Facial Modeling of both puppets and expressions, 3d printing and cleanup. Fabric sewing of the characters clothes. Set building. Music score.

Monkey and Car (2019)

Student animation workshop.

In collaboration with Womo studio, i directed a small team of 3d artists to come up with this short. Original characters by Womo Studio.

Checkmate (2019)

Student Short film.

Directed By: Leonardo Rincón

My tasks: Character modeling, texturing, lighting of all shots, rendering and comp. As well as establishing the general pipeline.

¿Con vino o con revolver? (2019)

Student Motion comic by me.

Moon Keepers (2020)

Student Internship tv spot made for Cartoon Network Mexico.

Directed by: Mauricio Ceballos

My tasks: Character modeling, texturing, lighting rendering and compositing of all shots. Responsible of 3d Visual development too.